Creating Equitable Workplaces So All Can Benefit From Forests

In 2023, the Endowment led the formation of the U.S. Forest and Wood Products Inclusion Council. The Council’s vision is to create equitable workplaces where people feel valued, safe, and that they belong, so that all people can sustain and benefit from forests. The 19-member Council, representing all facets of the forest sector, has aligned on a National Action Plan to:

Initiate a research and survey process to comprehend workforce challenges and diversity barriers within the sector.

Launch a series of Learning Labs to share diversity, equity, and inclusion best practices from forestry industry leaders.

Convene DEI practitioners, advocates, and champions from within the sector to build a community of practice around strengthening the sector workforce.

The Council invites the forest community to explore, learn, and drive positive change to shape a diverse workforce for the future of forestry.